Police State: There is Nowhere to Hide. They Have Their Lists. Are You Next? (Full Documentary)

America is on the brink of total tyranny! Police State reveals the terrifying truth: censorship, political persecution, and mass surveillance are here. The government is watching, and no one is safe. Will you be their next target? Find out before it’s too late!

The American Police State: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

America, the land of the free, is being hijacked. The home of the brave? It’s morphing into the playground of cowards who hide behind surveillance cameras and draconian laws. Police State doesn’t just suggest that the U.S. is becoming a totalitarian state—it screams it. The question is no longer

“Are we becoming a police state?”

It’s “How much longer will it take before every one of us is put on a list, silenced, and shackled?”

Read more here: https://amg-news.com/police-state-there-is-nowhere-to-hide-they-have-their-lists-are-you-next-full-documentary/

RELATED: „Main Core” – A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is Imposed – From the Reagan Administration to the Present as Part of a Broader Continuity of Government (COG) Program – https://amg-news.com/main-core-a-cia-database-of-8-million-who-will-be-rounded-up-when-martial-law-is-imposed-2/

SEE ALSO: WARNING: AGENDA 2030 AND The New World Order Plan: Say Goodbye to the 50 States, Get Ready for FEMA Regions for the North American Union – One World Government – https://amg-news.com/warning-agenda-2030-and-the-new-world-order-plan-say-goodbye-to-the-50-states-get-ready-for-fema-regions-for-the-north-american-union-one-world-government/

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