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Posts filed under: Islam

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

Published on Aug 31, 2012 More videos here:… For a version with English Subtitles:… The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts...

The Muslim Agenda – Full Documentary

Published on Sep 23, 2013 Buy ‘The People vs Muhammad’ by JK Sheindlin now! Stocks are limited: NBT Films presents ‘The Muslim Agenda’, a movie which exposes the shocking truth about Islam, it’s incompatibility with western ideals and it’s...

Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL

Published on Jan 16, 2015 Please forward a link to this video so that people may learn the BASICS of Islam. And please keep in mind that term Islamophobia is an OXYMORON since having a Phobia means having an IRRATIONAL...

Muslim Leader Admits Islam Not a Religion of Peace

Published on Sep 23, 2012 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has released a review of its strategy in the war on terrorism. The report failed to even mention the word “Islam.”...

Some Cultures Are Better Than Others

Published on Mar 31, 2016 Cultural relativism is bullshit. The west is the best....

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons at CPAC 2016

“Obama’s Dangerous National Security Legacy and How it Must Be Reversed” CSP President and CEO Frank Gaffney leads this panel of national security experts, composed also of Former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, and 20...

Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

Published on Dec 7, 2015 Islam is not a religion of peace. Anyone who still claims this in 2015 is either stupid or lying....

60% of the 50million Muslims in Europe are living off welfare Taxes – Sh. Khalid Yasin

Published on Jan 12, 2015 60% of the 50 million Muslims in Europe are living off welfare Taxes money paid by European people is handed by the governments to Muslims to buy food and homes Managers of mosques steal tax...