
This documentary is about how the U.S. State Department has been working hand-in-hand with the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) and George Soros’ Open Borders Society, which provides funding to deceptively-named organizations like Catholic Charities and scores of other NGOs which are always waiting with hands wide open ready to accept all of that stolen money from Soros and American taxpayers in order to help flood America with tens of millions of illegal aliens (future Democratic Party Voters) under the cloak of the idea that these people are somehow “refugees.”

By the way, Catholic Charities has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church. They just used the word “Catholic” in the organization’s name, because it’s not trademarked, and because it’s useful for fooling people into believing your NGO is a faith-based organization.

When they can’t really provide any convincing evidence that these people are actually refugees, according to any classic definition of that word, the Leftist change agents are even, on countless occasions, making the specious claim that these people are “climate change refugees.” After all, before the Lefties took over here in America, the Earth’s climate never changed;. The weather was always the same–every day, every year, every century; no floods, no storms, no hurricanes, no tornadoes; nada. It was 65 and sunny everywhere, all the time. Our climate was not a dynamic and complex system that changes every second of the day based on a multitude of factors (mainly solar and oceanic), and none of which involve the “Gas of Life,” carbon dioxide (CO₂), as those evil, right-wing “conspiracy theorists” and “white supremacists” so falsely claim. Earth’s climate has always been static. It never changed… NOT EVER!… That is, until the Left took over the U.S. [re]education system, along with the rest of our society. LMFAO!

What’s even worse than that? American taxpayers are footing the bill of our own cultural, political, and demographic destruction, since none of these illegal aliens share any of our nations and core beliefs about individual human liberty, or even our Republican form of government. They all come from Socialist countries [at best] where people look to their government as a sort of parent, which rewards or punishes them based on their fealty and contributions to the collective (to the hive) rather than based upon their value and rights as a sovereign individual. This makes it almost certain that these invaders of our country will one day become Democratic Party voters. Does it not?

There’s also no doubt in my mind also that, before he leaves office, TraitorJoe OBiden will grant Amnesty to each and every one of these illegal aliens, as well as full-fledged U.S. citizenship, by way of Executive Order, even though almost none of these invaders could rightly ever be called anything but a “criminal” under any classical definition of that word. Yes folks, people who break the Law, even a nation’s immigration Laws, are by definition, “criminals.” Almost all of these illegals are coming here for one purpose, and one purpose only–achieving economic gain for themselves, and at the expense of our nation’s Laws and our taxpayer Dollars. You know it, and so does everybody else who is honest, and still has two brain cells left to rub together.

Just like the weaponized immigration that’s been going on in Europe for the past 20 plus years, the giant human trafficking operation that’s being run against America is part of the same Globalist [brown dilution] political gambit that has effectively destroyed Europe. It’s just another [proxy] attack by the central banking families who own and/or control this world on their greatest enemy, Western Civilization. America is simply the last jewel that they need to place in their crown of world domination in order to achieve complete political and economic domination of the entire world, which they intend to accomplish by and through through their most effective [proxy] creation aimed achieving that goal, the United Nations.

Open borders are the Left’s answer to America’s rejection of Socialism. After all, Marxists suffered a humiliating intellectual defeat during the post WWII era and were badly in need of new Democratic Party (Socialist) voters. However, Americans peeked over the Iron Curtain and gasped in horror at the mountain of dead bodies piled up across Socialist Europe and Asia, and for good reason, rejected Socialism in all its forms, which has been responsible for the murder of more than 260 million people. Not soldiers, mind you, but innocent men, women, and children who’s only crime was not marching in lockstep with the Leftist madman’s warped ideologies.

For at least that part of American history, Communism [and its identical twin sister, Socialism] became a bad word. Marxist academics retreated from the battlefield of ideas, and then they went to work on a new scheme for pushing Socialism [and Globalism] on Americans. They figured that, if they couldn’t convince Americans to favor Statism, why not just import people from countries where Statism is all they’ve ever known?

Enter LBJ’s Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which not only limited immigration from Western Europe-from countries where people were already like Americans in many important ways–it opened America’s front door to every medieval backwater on Earth. So, that’s what we’ve had ever since, a flood of immigrants from the Third World.

In fact, the flood has been so massive over the past 50 plus years, by 2043, European-Americans will no longer comprise the majority of the population. We, the one People who are the “Posterity” of the Founding Generation, the people who are specifically identified in the Constitution as the sole beneficiaries of this nation’s very existence, will then be the minority in the country that our [European] forefathers founded.

Freedom Movement Manifesto