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Posts filed under: NWO

Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government

Published on Feb 21, 2018 Just opened to the public. Further expose’ of the structure and function of the Shadow Government/Deep State. Let the games begin.

What in the World Are They Spraying?

Uploaded on Dec 20, 2010… The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed....

Why in the World are They Spraying?

Barry Kolsky Published on Aug 18, 2012 SUBSCRIBE 2.4K People around the world are noticing that our planet’s weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept...

New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Published on Aug 23, 2017 SUBSCRIBE 36K TO READ OR POST COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE ARTICLE… Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT RE-UPLOAD this...

Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality

Published on Jun 13, 2017 SUBSCRIBE TO READ OR POST COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE ARTICLE… Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, but if you intend...

How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

Published on Aug 28, 2017 Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains. Donate today to PragerU! Have you taken...

The Truth About Equality: Outcome vs. Opportunity

Published on Aug 25, 2017 SUBSCRIBED 662K SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED UNSUBSCRIBE DOWNLOAD We Need Your Support: MP3:… Soundcloud:… One of the most important discussions taking place in the world today relates to human inequality. While many people view...

CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp

Published on Jul 12, 2017 CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Geo-Engineering, CHEMTRAILS Vaccination Dangers, and Nine and Eleven. Kevin Shipp a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up....